Accident --We were in Collegiate Training
Camp. It was from 17/July/1999 until 29/July/1999.This
camp is related to army for decreasing the period of c --Monday 26/7/1999 was decided to be a day for using gun. We and our Friends in the tent were forgotten from going. But we waked up early and Four of us (Yasir, Mohamed Homsi, Safi, Kher Adien) decided to go. We mounted the truck. and in road because of stupidity of driver ,the tuck toppled, we were thrown down and the wheels' trunk became up, its box became down and fell on Hasan's Abdomen, Ezzat's back and my Foot(Mohamed).Abdel Wahhab has fallen on his head and begun to bleed form his ear.Kher Adien flied and fell on his right arm. --Students came and raised the trunk. I didn't wait until they have completed they work But I pulled my cached foot strongly,this caused nail's extraction and skin sloughing. then we were taken to Kindy Hospital.
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