Syria Witnesses Eclipse! -2020-



--Moon is singular satellite of earth. It turns around earth and around its axe. Duration of its rotation around earth is 27 days 47 hours 43 minute and 11 seconds. It is equal to the duration of moon rotating around its axe. Therefore, We always see the same face of moon.

When does eclipse happen?

--If Sun, earth and moon are at the same straight line and moon is between sun and earth, Then moon will veil sun light and eclipse will be caused.

Eclipse On Syria

--Latakia is First City in Syria that will see partial eclipse. It will begin at 13h 9m (10h 9m GMT) and end at 14h 36m. The rate of darkness will be 90%. The second city is Aleppo (my city) at 13h 11m and end at 15h 56m and the rate of darkness is 94%.

--Partial eclipse in Damascus will begin at 13h and 14m and end at 15h 59m. the rate of darkness is 84%.

--The total eclipse spot has diameter of 110 Kilometers. Part of it /36Km/ will be on the northeastern of Syria. Total darkness will cover Ean-diwar, Malekia, Jaberia and Al sahrig ….

--The total concealment of sun will cause darkness as night and some stars and planets as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter can be seen.

--Partial eclipse in that areas will begin at 13h 20m then the total eclipse at 14h 44m for tow minutes then partial eclipse until 16h.


--Look to sun immediately causes damage to eye. It burns cells of retina but without feeling pains. The symptoms appear after hours and the result is blindness. Therefore special equipment must be used in observing eclipse.

--Syrian government decided that Wednesday 11 Augusts 1999 is holiday. Health ministry declared that no spectacles have been authorized to be used. Syria TV will telecast the event to protect people from risks of eclipse. Finally parents must be careful because children are curious and ignorant to dangers.


We invite observers to come to Syria because sky will be clear.

Links About the Eclipse


The Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 August 11. This is a Web implementation of the NASA Eclipse Bulletin for the 1999 August 11 total solar eclipse.

Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 August 11. On Wednesday, 1999 August 11, a total eclipse of the Sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor which...

This is the Eclipse. All the information you'll ever need on this spectacular astronomical event, including accommodation details for Devon and...

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